Introducing the home will be the largest in the world: it is called Antilla and rises in mumbai (india). is a 60-story tower detached, still under construction, with a design inspired by the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. will cost its owner, the Indian-born billionaire Mukesh Ambani, about 1,000 million dollars (710 million euros)
The house is called Antilla in honor of a mythical island in the Atlantic Ocean. Its value is ten times more than any other property in the world, though its features are also unique: more than 3,400 m2 in 27 plants including cinema, gymnasium, 168 parking spaces, three landing strips for helicopters, nine elevators and a glass dance floor. the exterior façade of some flats with natural plants that will help regulate the temperature inside
The family who occupy the housing consists only of six members: Mr Ambani, his wife, three sons and his mother. They will be joined to the 600 service to look after the house was not lack anything.The world's most expensive house

The world's most expensive house

The world's most expensive house
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