A chair seat that is not
The name of this piece of Vitra is a declaration of principles. And the most obvious description of what they are offering. For 'no seat' is exactly that, a seat that is not a chair, but a movie that, yes, allows its owner to sit comfortably in any room.
If you need further explanation, we give you. This invention is a simple tool: a knotted textile belt of 85 cm long and five wide, tied around the back and knees, holding the body of the person sitting at the same time allowing you to relax. There may be more convenient because it is rolling, very lightweight (weighs just 85 grams) and small, so that fits in your coat pocket. We are going to be a perfect booster seat.
But it's also really comfortable because this movie download back and thigh muscles. And the arms and hands, usually used to support or to surround the legs when we sit on the floor, are free for other activities like reading, drinking, or writing.
C'mon, it's a great idea that is not understood that it was not occurred to anyone before. Does it? It turns out that Chairless is based on a seat-belt use Ayoreo Indians, a nomadic tribe living in the Gran Chaco region, between Paraguay and Bolivia. These bands have always been used by indigenous textiles of this type to sit. Chilean architect Alejandro Aravena found this belt-seat and the pilot decided to make the product it is today.
And to thank the 'discovery' to whom it belongs, part of the profits from its sale will go to the nonprofit foundation Stiftung für Gemeinschaften Indianische in Paraguay, which will use these funds to provide aid directly to the Ayoreo.
Alejandro Aravena has adapted perfectly to the invention of the Indians created the most unyielding seat. Well defined: "To our modern times it is logical to build a chair that is economical. It's time to produce more systematic objects that are economic, but not disposable. "
He continues: "This chair uses modern materials and are manufactured with care, but is conceptually pure. Therefore, its economy from a process that reduces the quality or costs, but the most radical possible definition of what is needed is absolutely essential to build a chair. "
Chairless is designed for people of between 1.60 and 1.95 meters high. The band, made of durable nylon, is available in four colors: anthracite with decorative stripes in fuchsia or lime green, lime green stripes in fuchsia and pink decorative with decorative stripes in lime green. Simplicity is served. Or perhaps I should say sitting ...
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